
class fastapi_icontract.require[source]

Decorate a FastAPI endpoint with a pre-condition.

__init__(condition: CallableT, status_code: int = 422, description: Optional[str] = None, enforced: bool = True, undocument: bool = False)None[source]


  • condition

    pre-condition predicate.

    The arguments of the pre-condition are expected to be a subset of the endpoint arguments.

    It can either be a sync function, a lambda, an async function. If the condition returns a coroutine, the coroutine will be awaited first, and then checked for truthiness.

  • status_code – If the pre-condition is violated, the checker will raise a fastapi.HTTPException. This status_code will be indicated in the exception.

  • description

    textual description of the pre-condition.

    The description will be included in the exception if the pre-condition is violated.

  • enforced

    If set, the pre-condition is enforced.

    Otherwise, the pre-condition is only added to the OpenAPI schema, but is not verified. Usually, you enforce certain slow pre-conditions during testing and then disable them in production. An unenforced pre-condition is however still useful for the client as a formal documentation which is at least verified during testing.

  • undocument – If set, the pre-condition is not documented in the OpenAPI schema.

__call__(func: CallableT)CallableT[source]

Add the pre-condition to the checker of a FastAPI endpoint.


func – endpoint function to be wrapped


wrapped endpoint


class fastapi_icontract.snapshot[source]

Add a snapshot to the checker of an FastAPI endpoint.

This will decorate the endpoint with a snapshot of argument values captured prior to the invocation.

A snapshot is defined by a capture function (usually a lambda) that accepts one or more arguments of the function.

The captured values are supplied to post-conditions with the OLD argument of the condition.

__init__(capture: CallableT, name: str, enabled: bool = True, undocument: bool = False)None[source]


  • capture

    function to capture the snapshot accepting a one or more arguments of the original function prior to the execution.

    The capture can either be a lambda, a sync function or an async function. If capture returns a coroutine, the coroutine will be first awaited before it is stored into the OLD structure.

  • name – name of the snapshot as will be stored in the OLD structure.

  • enabled

    The snapshot is applied only if enabled is set. Otherwise, the snapshot is disabled and there is no run-time overhead.

    Usually the snapshots are enabled and disabled together with their related post-conditions.

  • undocument – If set, the snapshot is not documented in the OpenAPI schema.

__call__(func: CallableT)CallableT[source]

Add the snapshot to the checker of a FastAPI endpoint func.

The function func is expected to be decorated with at least one postcondition before the snapshot.


func – function whose arguments we need to snapshot


func as given in the input


class fastapi_icontract.ensure[source]

Decorate a FastAPI endpoint with a post-condition.

__init__(condition: CallableT, status_code: int = 500, description: Optional[str] = None, enforced: bool = True, undocument: bool = False)None[source]


  • condition

    post-condition predicate.

    The arguments of the post-condition are expected to be a subset of the endpoint arguments.

    It can either be a sync function, a lambda, an async function. If the condition returns a coroutine, the coroutine will be awaited first, and then checked for truthiness.

  • status_code – If the post-condition is violated, the checker will raise a fastapi.HTTPException. This status_code will be indicated in the exception.

  • description

    textual description of the post-condition.

    The description will be included in the exception if the post-condition is violated.

  • enforced

    If set, the post-condition is enforced.

    Otherwise, the post-condition is only added to the OpenAPI schema, but is not verified. Usually, you enforce post-conditions during testing and then disable them all in production. An unenforced post-condition is however still useful for the client as a formal documentation which is at least verified during testing.

  • undocument – If set, the post-condition is not documented in the OpenAPI schema.

__call__(func: CallableT)CallableT[source]

Add the postcondition to the checker of a FastAPI endpoint.

If the endpoint has not been already wrapped with a checker, this will wrap it with a checker first.


func – endpoint function to be wrapped


wrapped endpoint


fastapi_icontract.wrap_openapi_with_contracts(app: fastapi.applications.FastAPI)None[source]

Wrap the openapi method of the app to include the contracts in the schema.


fastapi_icontract.set_up_route_for_docs_with_contracts_plugin(app: fastapi.applications.FastAPI, path: str = '/docs')None[source]

Set up the route for Swagger UI with included plugin swagger-ui-plugin-contracts.

The path must not be set before. You must explicitly tell FastAPI to exclude it during initialization with:

app = FastAPI(docs_url=None)


fastapi_icontract.swagger_ui.get_swagger_ui_html(*, openapi_url: str, title: str, swagger_js_url: str = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/swagger-ui-dist@3/swagger-ui-bundle.js', swagger_css_url: str = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/swagger-ui-dist@3/swagger-ui.css', swagger_favicon_url: str = 'https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/img/favicon.png', swagger_ui_plugin_contracts_url: str = 'https://unpkg.com/swagger-ui-plugin-contracts', oauth2_redirect_url: Optional[str] = None, init_oauth: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)starlette.responses.HTMLResponse[source]

Generate the HTML for Swagger UI endpoint.

This is a patched version of the original fastapi.applications.get_swagger_ui_html which includes a separate JavaScript code to display contracts in a pretty format.